
Bozeman topographic map

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Bozeman is located at an elevation of 4,820 feet (1,470 m). The Bridger Mountains are to the north-northeast, the Tobacco Root Mountains to the west-southwest, the Big Belt Mountains and Horseshoe Hills to the northwest, the Hyalite Peaks of the northern Gallatin Range to the south and the Spanish Peaks of the northern Madison Range to the south-southwest. Bozeman is east of the continental divide, and Interstate 90 passes through the city. It is 84 miles (135 km) east of Butte, 125 miles (201 km) west of Billings, and 93 miles (150 km) north of Yellowstone National Park.

Wikipedia (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

About this map

Name: Bozeman topographic map, elevation, terrain.

Location: Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, United States (45.63479 -111.11982 45.73326 -110.98424)

Average elevation: 1,495 m

Minimum elevation: 1,392 m

Maximum elevation: 1,974 m

Other topographic maps

Click on a map to view its topography, its elevation and its terrain.


United States > Montana > Gallatin County

Average elevation: 1,294 m


United States > Montana > Gallatin County > Bozeman

Bozeman is located at an elevation of 4,820 feet (1,470 m). The Bridger Mountains are to the north-northeast, the Tobacco Root Mountains to the west-south-west, the Big Belt Mountains and Horseshoe Hills to the northwest, the Hyalite Peaks of the northern Gallatin Range to the south and the Spanish Peaks of…

Average elevation: 1,679 m